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摄影|冷战 冷却

信息来源   时间: 2019-04-26  浏览次数:50

摄影师 Martin Roemers 的作品主要着眼于战争的长期影响。Relics of the Cold War 是他最著名的摄影系列之一。


虽然他们可能已经受到侵蚀,对它们的记忆也都渐渐模糊,但战争的残骸与影响仍在。Martin 真实的记录了它们如今的样子,同时也是对未来和平的呼吁。

Bunker in the Baltic Sea, Latvia

Germany. Russian shooting range

Germany. Soviet Air Force bombing range

Poland. Nuclear missile silo

The Netherlands. Watchtower for observing Russian aircraft 

Germany. American listening station 

Germany. Underground bunker of the West German Army 

Germany. Underground bunker of the West German Army 

Russia. Underground nuclear bunker 

Germany. Underground nuclear shelter for the West German Government 

Germany. Underground bunker of the East German Army 

Ukraine. Soviet submarine base 

The Netherlands. Underground nuclear shelter of the Dutch Civil Defense organization 

Germany. Soviet Army hospital 

Germany. Stasi prison 

Germany. Soviet school for aircraft technicians 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Airforce base 

Germany. Soviet school for aircraft technicians 

Germany. Lenin mural 

Poland. Soviet Army base 

Poland. Soviet Army cemetery 

Germany. Soviet Air Force bombing range 

Germany. Russian ammunition 

Germany. World War II monument at a Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army cemetery 

Germany. Soviet Army cemetery 

Germany. Soviet Army cemetery 

Russia. Soviet Army trucks 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army hospital Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Lithuania. Soviet SS-4 missile base 

Lithuania. Soviet SS-4 missile base 

Latvia. Underground nuclear bunker 

Germany. Underground bunker of the East German Army 

The Netherlands. Test shooting range at a munitions factory 

The Netherlands. Underground nuclear shelter 

Russia. Underground nuclear bunker 

Germany. Underground bunker of the West German Army 

Germany. Underground nuclear shelter for the West German Government 

Germany. Airplane shelter at British Royal Air Force base 

United Kingdom. Exit of an underground bunker 

Germany. Nuclear bunker for the former East German leader Erich Honecker 

Germany. Soviet Airforce base 

Germany. American storage depot for nuclear weapons 

East Germany. Scrap metal tanks 

Poland. Polish fighter planes 

Germany. Border between East and West Germany 

Germany. Soviet Army cemetery 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army base 

Germany. Soviet Army base

Germany. American cruise missile base 

United Kingdom. Atomic bomb test laboratory 


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